We did it!
November 14, 2015
We did it! A week after the election, our margin (694 votes = +3.11 %) and the number of ballots remaining to be counted, make it clear….We won!
I congratulate Michelle on a great race, and look forward to working with her as she continues to serve on the Planning Commission. I thank her for her thoughtful concession this past Saturday.
With the low voter turnout, your vote and your hard work truly went a long way in determining the outcome of a close race. I am so thankful to each and every one of you. You all made this victory possible with; every ballot cast, every volunteer hour, every endorsement, every donation and every conversation you had with your friends and neighbors. It all came together to make the difference.
There are two people without whose support I would never have stepped into the ring. My amazing husband, Greg and wonderful son, Quinn. Your presence and strength lift me up every day.
Special thanks to my remarkable and intrepid campaign team: Alex, Abbot, Christian, Erin, Katherine and Taemin. It was a privilege to work with you.
Bellevue is a wonderful city, and democracy is a dialogue–a conversation between members of a shared community, to make a difference. I believe our campaign had momentum because, at its core, there was the belief that everyone in Bellevue should have a chance to build a future here and enjoy it for a lifetime. Together, we can find solutions to the challenges that our city will face.
I am filled with gratitude today and I cannot tell you how much your support has meant to me. This has been a long road and an incredible journey. Now, we have just reached the beginning!
My very best to you,
P.S. The campaign has some minimal campaign debt to retire. Thank you for any contributions to help us close out these costs.
Bellevue, WA – Vandana Slatter, a community leader and biotechnology professional, received the sole endorsement from King County Executive Dow Constantine in her campaign for Bellevue City Council. This latest support, along with the recent endorsement of the Seattle Times, comes just days before ballots hit mailboxes for the Primary Election.
Executive Constantine joins The Seattle Times and other recent sole endorsements including NARAL Pro-Choice WA, King County Labor Council, King County Democrats, and FUSE.
These latest endorsers are in addition to an impressive list of supporters including Bellevue Mayor Claudia Balducci, Councilmember John Stokes, State Senator Cyrus Habib, State Reps. Judy Clibborn and Tana Senn, as well as the 48th and 41st District Democrats.
Slatter was appointed to the Washington State Board of Pharmacy by Governor Christine Gregoire in 2007, is a Board Member for the Overlake Hospital Foundation, and served as a Trustee of the Children’s Institute for Learning Differences. She completed the first Bellevue Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training with other neighborhood leaders, and works with organizations that build community through support of urban green spaces and social entrepreneurship.
Vandana Slatter is an intelligent and engaged citizen ready to make the leap into Bellevue city government.
IN what promises to be a heated race for Position No. 5 on Bellevue’s City Council, Vandana Slatterhas the edge over challengers Michelle Hillhorst and Sherry Grindeland as the best choice for the council.
Slatter brings data-driven analytical skills stemming from her career as a clinical pharmacist for Amgen, as well as organizational knowledge from her master’s degree in public administration from the University of Washington. She is a married mother of a teenage son and lives in northeast Bellevue.

Slatter’s broad vision for Bellevue and distinct perspective make her the best candidate to challenge the status quo and take creative risks in governing Bellevue. …”
She serves on the Overlake Hospital Foundation’s board of trustees and has served on the Washington State Board of Pharmacy, the foundation board of NARAL Pro-Choice Washington and the board of the Children’s Institute for Learning Differences.
Bellevue faces many challenges: housing affordability, traffic congestion, serving a diverse population, and significant commercial and residential development. Slatter would bring a thoughtful regional approach to those problems, recognizing that Bellevue could do a better job collaborating with its neighbors. She lacks experience in serving in elected office or on a city commission, so she will have to prove her analytical skills translate into effective decisions and policies.
Bellevue’s outgoing mayor, Claudia Balducci, has endorsed Slatter — as have current City Councilmember John Stokes, state Sens. Cyrus Habib, D-Kirkland, and Pramila Jayapal, D-Seattle, and state Rep. Judy Clibborn, D-Mercer Island.
Her impressive challengers, Hillhorst and Grindeland, both have deep community roots, extensive volunteer work and experience serving on local boards and committees. But Slatter’s broad vision for Bellevue and distinct perspective make her the best candidate to challenge the status quo and take creative risks in governing Bellevue.
Editorial board members are editorial page editor Kate Riley, Frank A. Blethen, Ryan Blethen, Brier Dudley, Mark Higgins, Jonathan Martin, Thanh Tan, Blanca Torres, William K. Blethen (emeritus) and Robert C. Blethen (emeritus).
The Bellevue Reporter writes:
Clinical pharmacist Vandana Slatter is […] running for Position 5, currently held by Mayor Claudia Balducci, who is running for King County Council.
Slatter was appointed to the Washington State Board of Pharmacy in 2007 and has served on boards for the Children’s Institute for Learning Differences and the Overlake Hospital Foundation.
She lists as endorsements state Sen. Cyrus Habib, Rep. Judy Clibborn and Bellevue Councilmember John Stokes.
Read here.
The Bellevue Reporter writes:
A recently formed nonprofit, GSBP saw an opportunity to promote social business by partnering with Chisebuka to create a community garden where volunteers can learn sustainable organic farm practices and take a share of the yield; a garden that provides produce at the farmers market — a sliding price scale applied to assist low-income customers — and puts any profit back into programs. For GSBP, it’s setting an example for the social business model it promotes through its evolving online educational platform.
“You’re trying to fly an airplane while you’re building it,” said Vandana Slatter, who serves on the GSBP board and the board for partnering nonprofit Farmer Frog. “It’s kind of at the seed stage, you could say.”
Read the whole article here.
Slatter begins campaign with endorsements from State Senator Cyrus Habib, State Rep. Judy Clibborn, and Bellevue Councilmember John Stokes
Bellevue, WA – Dr. Vandana Slatter, a community leader and clinical pharmacist who works in the biotechnology industry, is running for Bellevue City Council. Slatter, who is running for the open seat in position 5, enters the campaign with the support of State Senator Cyrus Habib, State Rep. Judy Clibborn, and Bellevue Councilmember John Stokes.
“I am excited about this opportunity to serve Bellevue residents on City Council,” said Slatter. “I will work hard every day to ensure our city remains a mosaic of livable neighborhoods with excellent schools and vibrant parks, innovative businesses to drive our economy, and transportation that serves us all.
A community leader, Slatter was appointed to the Washington State Board of Pharmacy by Governor Christine Gregoire in 2007, served as a Trustee of the Children’s Institute for Learning Differences and the Overlake Hospital Foundation. Since her previous run for election to City Council in 2013, she completed the first Bellevue Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training with other neighborhood leaders, and worked with organizations that build community through support of urban green spaces and social entrepreneurship.
State Senator Cyrus Habib said, “Bellevue needs smart and effective leaders dedicated to enhancing its position in the highly competitive innovation economy, preserving a high quality of life in all its neighborhoods, and making city government more responsive to residents and businesses alike. I have known Vandana four years, and I can say with confidence that Bellevue is fortunate to have someone with her intellect, generosity, and creativity to lead Bellevue towards an even more prosperous future.”
Vandana graduated from the University of Washington with a Doctorate in Pharmacy and a Masters of Public Administration. She lives with her husband and son in Northeast Bellevue.
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